Wow…that’s what I have to say after my binge watch of the very recently released Netflix series ‘Ancient Apocalypse’ with Presenter Graham Hancock. While controversial, Hancock is among the few that are very vocal and prolific in presenting “alternative” theories surrounding ancient civilizations. In this series, Hancock draws attention to the time period around the…
Read MoreI recently returned from a family ‘trip’ (we don’t call them ‘vacations’ when the kids are involved) to New York City. Residing in the Northeast, I’ve made my way to the City for a variety of business and personal reasons over the years, and one thing is for certain – it’s always hustle and bustle…
Read MoreDuring my mindless Netflix flipping to decompress I took a chance with the new DiCaprio/Lawrence film ‘Don’t Look Up’. At surface level, it wasn’t that good, but after sleeping on it, the deeper messaging is quite profound – my suspicion is that this take home was the very intent, and actually mirrors the theme of…
Read MoreI just recently returned from personally visiting the University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2 facility out in the middle of the desert. As a kid, I remember news headlines highlighting the 2 year social experiment that placed a team of ‘Biospherians’ inside the isolated ecosystem – it was really quite interesting to see where the project…
Read MoreIt’s been some time since I’ve indulged in night time reading, so I just recently picked up the second book in the series by Will Hart, Ancient Alien Ancestors. This is the follow up to his the Genesis Race which I reviewed back in 2011, and the prequel to a new title to be released…
Read MoreBill Streever’s “In Oceans Deep” hits the nail on the head, referencing from the very beginning that the book tackles “humanity’s presence beneath the waves”, and later concluding that “…a key role remains for manned expeditions…inspiration”. Embodied within those two sentiments is a chronicle of several pivotal moments in human intervention’s history and across various…
Read MoreWith 24 hours of travel time, the bulk of which was the trans-arctic flight from New Jersey to Hong Kong, I managed to read Dr. Joe MacInnis’ ‘Breathing Underwater : The Quest to Live in the Sea’ cover to cover. I suppose the flight path over the arctic lent some credence to the reading selection,…
Read MoreI just turned the last page of Tom Eadie’s ‘I Like Diving’. The 1929 original edition was a Christmas gift from a colleague, so I’m a bit ashamed that it’s taken this long to get to – it proved to be a page turner and I wish I had read it a long time ago.…
Read MoreI managed to push the envelope this weekend and stayed up til midnight to watch the documentary film ‘Sirius’. The film follows Dr. Stephen Greer’s perhaps evangelical pursuits to expose and disclose the truth about UFO’s and extra-terrestrials. While the subject is often taken as ‘hoakie’ by the masses, I’ve always been intrigued, even to…
Read MoreWith my recent travel schedules I’ve managed to do some much needed catch up on my reading list, and just turned the last page of Neil Swidey’s ‘Trapped Under the Sea’. The book recounts the tragic event involving the loss of two divers during the Deer Island outfall tunnel project in Boston several years ago.…
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