Oceans of Opportunity

Author: oceanopportunity

Saving Lives Through Non-Invasive Ventilation

Dubai, Aug 9, 2020 (Issuewire.com) – The Health Bank have partnered with Subsalve to bring the non-invasive ventilation hood solution to the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia Region, as exclusive and strategic distributors. This partnership will introduce efficient, affordable and essential respiratory solution to the health care systems in the regions, through a device authorized…

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NBC 10: Rhode Island companies are creating a device aimed at keeping people off ventilators

(WJAR) — Underwater technology companies in Rhode Island are teaming up, combining their skills to create breathing bubbles they hope can keep people off ventilators during this COIVD-19 pandemic. “We make about 200 to 300 a day,” Richard Fryburg told NBC10. Hundreds of clear helmets line the shelves inside his Subsalve factory in Quonset with an…

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How Dare You…?

Like it or not, the little girl has a good point. Greta Thunberg’s recent United Nations address was strong, clear, and consistent. Some elder folk are probably hearing her soapbox speech and the response is an ‘aww isn’t she cute’, and that’s exactly what’s wrong – ‘how dare you’ is exactly right. It’s easy to…

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#filltheboot for Muscular Dystrophy

Today was our local fire department’s ‘Fill the Boot’ day to raise funds for Muscular Dystrophy research, awareness, and community support. As I dropped in my handful of cruddy change from the cup holder in my truck I couldn’t help but reflect back on our work with Matt Johnston and his Diving a Dream project…

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who’s in the dive team?

I’ve had to switch gears in between diving modes quite a bit as of late, so am re-hashing this post (originally from 2013) to keep some fresh perspective out there on the subject of dive team composition… The overwhelming majority of dives I have made have been alone  – or at least I’m alone in…

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In Oceans Deep | a review

Bill Streever’s “In Oceans Deep” hits the nail on the head, referencing from the very beginning that the book tackles “humanity’s presence beneath the waves”, and later concluding that “…a key role remains for manned expeditions…inspiration”. Embodied within those two sentiments is a chronicle of several pivotal moments in human intervention’s history and across various…

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Happy Birthday Blog to Me

For those following my various blogs and bramblings, yes, I am still very much on a Blog hiatus, though felt compelled to make a few short key strokes today…seeing as it’s my birthday and I do love to write, I may as well write. As many of my days go, it was spent on on…

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New Book : Closed Circuit, Open Sourced

During my recent Blogging hiatus, I shifted my time allocated towards writing to bottom out a long overdue book project., and am pleased to share here that ‘Closed Circuit | Open Sourced’  is now published and available on Amazon.com. I’ve been diving closed circuit rebreathers for almost 20 years, having realized the strong potential for…

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Signing off…for now

To my loyal Blog readers and followers, I’m taking a break from Blogging… For this next stretch, I am committing my time allocated to writing to completing a long overdue technical manuscript, and then following that with a new book project. I have no idea how long this will keep me offline, but believe it…

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Out of Sight, Out of Mind

They say “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”, and that may well be the case for pickers galore, or even for we subaquatic pickers – wreck hunters, salvors, and history nerds. But it’s not all fun and games… In some cases, underwater wreckage is actually a watery grave, and must be treated with the…

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