Oceans of Opportunity

Author: oceanopportunity

the bed & breakfast, or the bivy

Underwater living… it’s perhaps the start of the lineage of work that many of us have embarked upon, and still remains a vision for the future. “Why?” one might ask… While the Atlantean dreamscape painted of a life beneath the waves of some utopian tropical paradise flirts with the outskirts of fantasy, the practical side…

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Closing the Loop on Climate Politics

Anyone tuning in to headlines over the past week has seen the alarms blazing about our ever narrowing window to thwart climate change… https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/07/world/climate-change-new-ipcc-report-wxc/index.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45859325 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kids-climate-change-lawsuit-can-proceed-judge-rules-n920476 Do we have problems? Absolutely yes. But the sad reality is that the media’s fear mongering is not the approach for environmental advocacy that we need. We should keep…

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When the surface is not an option…

What an emotionally exhausting week for all in the dive community, as we, with the rest of the world, awaited the rescue of the 12 boys and their coach from the flooded Thai Tham Luang cave system. First things first – a HUGE applause from the entire world is owed to all of the divers…

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Top Ten Sunken Cities, for now…

I’ve written a fair bit about rising tides, seafaring states, and Atlantean futurisms here within this Blog over the years. The topic has become ever more relevant as we see the very real impacts of rising tides around the world. I’ll keep this one short. The following has been circulating around the digital universe recently,…

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a lesson on the cycle of life and death, to, from, and within the sea

If this image bothers you, well – it shouldn’t. This is the reality of life and death on and beneath the sea. Since the start of May, I’ve averaged about 25 hours per week underwater. That is not my busiest stretch, but certainly a far cry from being a sedentary land-lubber. To do that kind…

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Bottom feeding, with Mercenaria mercenaria

When the going gets tough, the tough go digging clams – quahogs for we Rhode Islanders that is. The journey of life never ceases to amaze me, and when viewed through that lens, as a journey, it’s amazing what can be taken in stride. Diving as a trade has blessed me with that outlook, and…

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Before the Flood | a Review

Taking a short break from the intensity of Olympic curling, I thumbed through Netflix this weekend and was pleasantly surprised to find Leonardo DiCaprio’s documentary “Before the Flood”. I’ll be honest that I’ve often viewed celebrity backed cause documentaries with some question as to the motive, but DiCaprio proved me wrong with this one…well done.…

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Don’t Sweat the Cold | X-Core Thermal Protection Review

I like to think I’ve aged well with diving. There have been some grueling periods where I know I wreaked havoc on myself physically and physiologically during arduous working dives, but in hindsight, I was always smart enough to take the little things into consideration that I had a hunch would help me prolong my…

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Advantage of the Undersea Vantage Point

It’s always a matter of perspective. One person’s half full glass is half empty for someone else, and so that is our yin and our yang. This push and pull, good and evil, happiness and sadness, positive and negative is what keeps our wheels turning and humanity evolving. The notion that we might achieve some…

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The Gift of Giving, ’cause its a Cause

I struggle with the Christmas holiday, and have struggled for a significant portion of my adult life, and probably spend a solid month of every holiday season deep in thought about the how and why this is. I wouldn’t say its holiday depression per se, but rather a forced very careful, personal, and intimate reflection…

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