Oceans of Opportunity

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article published in Rhode Island Monthly Magazine

Many thanks to Rhode Island Monthly Magazine and my editor, Nicole Maranhas, for helping the Ocean State’s blue sharks receive some statewide attention. The December 2008 issues of RI Monthly Magazine features an article framed around our summer expedition to document and interact with this beautiful shark species. A short conservation minded DVD has been…

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Return to Lusca : December 2008 Expedition

On December 5th, I’ll be dodging the blistery New England cold that has set in and will travel south to my home away from home, the Bahamas. This mini-expedition is setting out to collaborate with Brian Kakuk of the Bahama Caves Research Foundation on Abaco. We’ll be exploring and filming the mysterious blue holes for…

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In the Field: Summertime Blues

In Fall 2008, an OO field team, joined by Dr. Brad Wetherbee from the University of Rhode Island, ventured more than 30 miles off of the Rhode Island coast to document and interact with the local sharks found off our shores. The northeast US provides a haven for many transient shark species, and this expedition…

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In the Field : Jamestown, a Reef from Ruins

The ‘Old Jamestown Bridge’ spanning nearly 7000 feet across Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island was demolished during a controlled demolition in 2006. Debris from this project was strategically placed offshore to create two new reef habitats. A field team including researchers from the University of Rhode Island, the RI Department of Environmental Management, the RI…

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Announcing Expedition 'Earth | Get Connected'

OO is pleased to announce the launch of Expedition ‘Earth Get Connected’. Stay tuned to this blog for expedition dispatches. The project’s fitting launch is here at home, in the ‘Ocean State’. Our first official expedition will be kicking off on August 9th, 2008 as we venture 50 miles off of the Ocean State’s coast…

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New Blog in Beta

We invite you to share ideas and feedback regarding our programs. As we get in the field on expeditions, this blog will provide an open forum to share the results of our work in as near real-time as possible. This blog is under development. Stay tuned! Dop a note, and enjoy! ML

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