Oceans of Opportunity

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useful resources

It’s hard to know what to do with the best of the best links in the world. This list brings together what I feel is most important in undersea intervention, and will be continually updated. Feel free to send along anything relevant to [email protected] and I’ll add it to this list… Links & Information Downloads…

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Acting Globally…a new movement from PETA

When is a fish not a fish? When it’s a ‘sea kitten’ apparently. According to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), people don’t like fish – as pets anyway. This largely stems from not being part of the routine lives of most people. If we can’t see it, touch it, then why value…

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Every Voice Matters

Bright and early this morning, before the AM coffee, I stumbled up the below CNN video of several schoolchildren reading letters to President-Elect Obama which outline their concerns for the environment. Embedded video from CNN Video I applaud all of the schoolteachers, parents, kids, and media who worked together to make this happen. Today’s tools…

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President Bush’s ‘Blue Legacy’?

After an 8-year administration of slashing environmental and ocean science budgets, the US’ President Bush, with just weeks left in office, took a stance to protect what is the largest area of significant ocean habitat in the world. Go figure. Now, as a marine scientist and environmentalist, I suppose I shouldn’t be complaining. This is…

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educator resources

Explore fantastic ocean exploration education resources from the following: :: EdNet: National Geographic’s Education Network:: NOAA’s Ocean Exploration Program:: NOAA’s Office of Education:: Ocean Teacher:: College of Exploration’s Ocean Literacy Network:: MBARI’s EARTH:: Jimi Rock’s Under the Sea Adventures:: No child Left Inside:: Kids for Saving Earth:: The Ocean Project:: Univ. of Wisconsin Sea Grant…

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just for kids!

It’s never too early to dive in and learn about the ocean. After all, the future health of our ocean is up to the next generation of explorers. Below are a number of popular fun and educational ocean activities and resources, for kids! SeaSky.org is a website that brings its visitors a glimpse at the…

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Blue Hole expedition a success

Our December 5-9 expediiton to the blue holes of the Bahamas was a success. Over three very full days in the field, my guide Brian Kakuk, of Bahamas Underground and the Bahama Caves Research Foundation, provided an insiders view of the scientific and cultural significance of the blue holes. Over the course of 6 dives…

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DAN’s 2008 Technical Diving Workshop

It takes time to make change. When I started technical diving in 1998, it was a community of self-proclaimed experts(rightfully so in most cases) who were each very successful in their own right in accessing the previously inaccessible by taking progressive strides in adopting new technologies and techniques. As new interest grew in this type…

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short film 'Summertime Blues' released via Amazon

Ocean Opportunity is pleased to announce the release of its first minidoc (mini-documentary), ‘Summertime Blues’. The short film is an artistic piece communicating the beauty and plight of Rhode Island’s blue sharks. The film is the first in a series entitled ‘Earth | Get Connected’ which is designed to bring critical, yet rarely seen, ocean…

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The Ocean Opportunity VISA card fundraiser

There is no easier way to support our programs than with the Ocean Opportunity VISA card. This full featured credit card gives you more than just a statement every month…it will give you peace of mind in knowing that every time you use the card, a portion of your purchase is donated to Ocean Opportunity.…

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