Oceans of Opportunity

Diving Science & Technology

Lombardi Undersea LLC, together with partners in science and industry, operates as a CoST (commerce, science, & technology) Center to advance human intervention. Proceeds generated through projects and programs on this site benefit Ocean Opportunity Inc., a 501(c)3 not for profit organization.

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Spaceship Earth | a review

I just recently returned from personally visiting the University of Arizona’s Biosphere 2 facility out in the middle of the desert. As a kid, I remember news headlines highlighting the 2 year social experiment that placed a team of ‘Biospherians’ inside the isolated ecosystem – it was really quite interesting

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UArizona Professor’s Underwater Tent Invention to Appear on Shark Week

An underwater tent co-invented by a University of Arizona professor will be featured during the Discovery Channel’s popular Shark Week this month. Dubbed the Ocean Space Habitat, the portable inflatable tent allows occupants to essentially camp out underwater. Co-invented by UArizona professor Winslow Burleson and professional diver Michael Lombardi, the tent will be featured in the

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Helmet Based Ventilation for Covid-19

Why should you consider helmet based ventilation (Helmet CPAP, Helmet NIV) for management of Covid-19 related respiratory distress? Let’s review some history and a summary of benefits… At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, some very striking images circulated throughout the media of helmet ventilation techniques being used in Italy

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Dive #5000 | reflections & ten unsolicited tips

This morning I looked down at my weight harness for an extra few seconds as I contemplated throwing it over my shoulders yet again…as hard as we work to make things easier, some parts of the process are here to stay. I went ahead with it, for the 5000th time

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The most pressing challenges of our time can be addressed with a renewed human interaction with, and presence within, the sea...

Our story

Ocean Opportunity Inc. (OO) is a 501(c)3 not for profit organization established in 2003 by Explorer Michael Lombardi.

Our Model for Exploration

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100% of eCommerce and donations benefit Ocean Opportunity Inc. (OO), a 501(c)3 not for profit organization, whose mission is to evolve the art and science of the life aquatic through effective communications and inspired social change