Oceans of Opportunity

Helmet Based Ventilation  for Covid-19

At the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, we responded with the introduction of the Subsalve Oxygen Treatment Hood – a patient interface to deliver techniques in hooded positive airway pressure (HPAP) ventilation. The technique is a true gift from the sea, leveraging principles in gas flows and pressures very directly tied to diving.

This device and non-invasive ventilation technique offers several benefits for patients in respiratory distress, and proved to help those afflicted with challenging circumstances during the pandemic.

The project has been supported by multiple individual donors, partners, both for-profit and not-for-profit companies and institutions, and has resulted in the provision of humanitarian aid to numerous countries including Bolivia, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, Nigeria, Indonesia, India, Iraq, and multiple others. 

Respiratory distress caused by any number of diseases is not going away, and will continue to impact many parts of the world.

Learn more…

.: article InDepth

.: shop HPAP devices and systems

.: learn more about helmetbasedventilation.com

.: presentation at Boston Sea Rovers

Help Us Help...

A portion of proceeds from all purchased devices and systems from www.oxygentreatmenthoods.com is directed to Ocean Opportunity Inc. OO is committed to furthering related education, research, and facilitating aid relief to areas suffering from widespread respiratory distress. Please consider a tax-deductible donation today to expand our reach.