I never thought I would read this headline…63 degrees in Antarctica.
Meanwhile here in Rhode Island I woke up to the twenties…still (ugghh). Despite all the griping and groaning about ‘global warming’ which has been hard to swallow given the winter we’ve had here in New England, it is certainly fair to say that ‘climate change’ is real.
As I recall from my brief foray to Antarctica, temps were below zero – certainly far from the 60’s. In fact, it may have hit -60 one night. So, what the heck is going on?
Well, this is just the beginning. Planet Earth’s scales have tipped in the past, and we may likely be on the eve of yet another tipping point. For a moment, consider the reality of massive melting at the poles…we’re talking MAJOR sea level rise with the influx of water, and cold water at that, which shifts the cyclical patterns of the ocean basins and the resulting weather. Perhaps, just perhaps, this is part of what we’re seeing now.
I’m certainly not a climatologist or weather expert, but commons sense tells me that these little signs should be taken as warnings. Head for the hills? Perhaps not quite yet. However, it is time to start paying closer attention, and be prepared for the pace of change. It may be that considering a new life in the sea is a viable means, and even necessity, for our sustainability. Maintaining a state of readiness is always the most challenging task when in business and trying to be prepared for the unknown and ever-changing marketplace. Maintaining a state of readiness for our survival will be the greatest challenge in all of human history.
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