Erin Burnett, you nailed it – ‘if we keep looking, we’ll always find something’.
That’s why we do what we do, and is at the root of our species’ engineering.
A recent (10 years ago) archaeological discovery unveiled the lost Egyptian city of Heracleion, with results just now going public. This is the perfect illustration of several key conversation points:
1. Coastal cities, even today, are at tremendous risk due to sea level rise, and climate change.
2. We, humans, are not invincible and are subject to the forces of nature just like all other life on Earth.
3. If we don’t get out there and look, we will never have a full understanding of our past, present, and future from which to ascertain our existence and ultimately take steps towards improving our quality of life.
3. We have probably lost far more knowledge in history than we have preserved.
4. Given #3, it is well within the realm of reason that an advanced civilization pre-dating the modern era existed, flourished, and vanished during the deluge some 10,000 ybp.
This is an exciting discovery from all of those perspectives, and more. And the search for Atalntis, and its idealism, continues…
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