Oceans of Opportunity

Occupational Diving Science

Advancing occupational diving science is central to our projects and programs. 


For events and activities occurring with company/institution funding, endorsement, sponsorship, or through other brand association that engage [persons] diving, our policy is that all divers (faculty, staff, students, volunteers, contractors, company personnel, etc.) meet applicable regulations and operate in a manner consistent with local safe practices.

 In all such instances, if a diving purpose is mission/task oriented, it is therefore occupational in nature. As such, any diving activity must be executed according to a pre‐prepared safety plan, approved by the organizers, and, at a minimum, follows guidelines consistent with the Marine Technology Society’s Code of Practice for Occupational Diving.

This presents a very exciting opportunity for the advancement and convergence of techniques and technologies that will strengthen humans’ position within the #BlueEconomy.


Numerous universities, marine programs, and small businesses undertake occupational diving activities, though they do not have administrative structures in place for federally required regulatory compliance, health & safety, and risk management functions – exposing both the persons and entities to significant risks.

Our diving safety program may be engaged cooperatively to afford participants a mechanism to mitigate these risks through participation on a shared Dive Contral Board while benefitting from Dive Officer (SME) services related to occupational diving compliance and operations.

Contact us to learn more about engaging with our diving safety program.