Oceans of Opportunity

Tag: benthic ecology

Effects of the Anthropocene | the Oceans go Flush

Seventy-five percent of coral reefs are threatened. That is the message of a recent World Resources Institute report, as reported by CNN. While there is value in every such report, as each is targeted to meet varying audiences, this 75% statement should not take you by surprise. I am somewhat confused as to why reefs are making…

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Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems | the benthic buzz

The buzz words for today’s benthic marine scientists are undoubtedly ‘mesophotic coral ecosystems’, or MCEs. The term mesophotic, or middle/medium light, refers to the region of the ocean below the photic zone where light is the major driver for photosynthesis by corals and algae, but above the aphotic zone where in the dark organisms rely…

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